
This post was updated on 12/29/18.
The proposed border wall between the southern border of the United States and the Northern Border of Mexico has enjoyed a back-and-forth history. For the most part, the Republicans favor it and the Democrats waver one way or the other depending on the political wind of the moment. At the moment the vacillators are against it. Why? Because President Trump is for it, of course. For them, it’s all about political posturing, not national security.
Nancy Pelosi has gone so far as to cal the wall “immoral.” This from the supposedly Catholic woman that champions abortion on demand? That’s rich. And consider Chuck Schumer. Factcheck.org has this to say of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, “Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-Sens. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush.” Uncle Chucky just can’t seem to be able to think for himself; not consistently, at least.
But let us not forget that the wall is for the benefit of the average taxpayer, not these high-and-lofty politicians that live in crime-free gated (and with WALLS!) communities. They don’t have to scrabble with illegal immigrants for social services, healthcare, and public schools like the mass of taxpayers. The American Royalty can afford to poo-poo the wall and national sovereignty but there are a plethora of reasons for building it.
Open Borders are Dangerous
The Department of Homeland Security tells us that it apprehends an average of 10 known or suspected terrorists every single day that are entering the United States. And despite claiming to support border security, Democrats in practice have blocked all efforts to secure our southern border and protect our communities.

FBI Data Shows Terrorists are Sneaking in Through Mexico
Leaked FBI data obtained by Breitbart Texas has revealed that there were 7,712 terrorist encounters in the US in just the past year. In the time between July 2015 and July 2016, the majority of terrorist encounters (defined as interactions with known or suspected terror watch list suspects by law enforcement) unsurprisingly happened in the southern border states. Texas, California, and Arizona ranking among the highest.
A Wall is a Physical Barrier that Hinders Human Trafficking and Drug Smuggling
Although there are some portions of wall constructed, huge gaps in other areas act as funnels through which illegal aliens, drugs, and other forms of contraband pass unhindered.
Of course Trump’s wall won’t stop everything; nothing will. But it will create such a hindrance that the Border Patrol can more easily manage the situation. Augmenting the scenario with drones and wall-mounted cameras will help to round out border security.
Rising Cost of Illegal Immigration
Border wall deniers (such as the current crop of Democrat Socialists) love to wail about the cost of construction but perhaps it is time for a reality check. Estimates vary but it is safe to say that $70 billion would get it done. Is this too much? The Center for Immigration Studies says, “if a border wall stopped a small fraction of the illegal immigrants who are expected to come in the next decade, the fiscal savings from having fewer illegal immigrants in the country would be sufficient to cover the costs of the wall.”
Currently, Illegal immigration is estimated to cost the United States millions of dollars, and according to President Trump, $113 billion each year in lost income tax revenue. Illegal immigration is recognized as a strain on government spending by overburdening social welfare, health, and education programs.
Another thing to consider is remittances, that is, money sent back to Mexico from illegal aliens to family and friends. Much of these wages come from under-the-table jobs (untaxed) meaning that these individuals are taking these jobs out of the American job pool. The inherent greed of some employers is denying jobs from some U.S. citizens while at the same time denying revenue to the government to pay for defense and public services.
But the end result is that although these illegals are consuming public services, they are taking their wages out of circulation rather than contributing back to the system. Those that think the amount of money is a pittance might be surprised.
nbcnews.com says, ” Mexico’s central bank reported Mexicans overseas sent nearly $24.8 billion home in 2015, overtaking oil revenues for the first time as a source of foreign income. Remittances were up 4.75 percent from 2014 when they totaled $23.6 billion, the Bank of Mexico said. They had never before surpassed petroleum since the Bank of Mexico began tracking them in 1995.”
In other words, American hard currency that should have been at least partly spent here is going to support the infrastructure of Mexico. The next time you go to the polls and the open border-types are soliciting your vote, remember that those they are inviting with open arms are building roads, bridges, and hospitals in Mexico while yours crumble.
These are just a few reasons why Trump’s border wall must be built. There are many others. The problem is that although the Democrats supported it when it was politically expedient to their careers, they have been on the fence since 2006 as they try to reshape America, Mexico, and Canada into a facsimile of the EU. We know how well that’s working.
End of 2018 Border Update
The assault on our border by Central American invaders seems likely to continue. A new caravan originating out of Honduras is planned for January 15, 2019. At the outset is is estimated to be comprised of 15,000 people with more expected to join as they make their way north.
This puts Mexico in a bad position. They have always been content to get flush and fat with all the money generated, both legal and illegal, counting on former U.S. administrations to just open the floodgate that is our mostly unprotected border. The fly in the ointment now is That President Trump is having none of it. That puts the onus on Mexican authorities to feed, house, and provide social services and possibly work for the invaders.
Now that their social services are being stretched and their jobs are going to invaders, the Mexican citizens are getting fed up with the situation. “Well, now the government does something. That work is for Mexicans that need it,” said Anna Pérez from Palenque, Mexico, on Facebook. “Opportunistic people who just want to take advantage of the Mexicans.” That reeks of sour grapes to U.S. citizens that have lost their jobs over the years due to the opportunistic policies from the likes of Pelosi and Schumer.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government remains in a state of partial shutdown as the Democrats refuse to protect our borders. And rather than doing her job to work on a solution to Trump’s wall, Nancy Pelosi continues to party down in Hawaii. For shame.

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