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Tile Tattoos for a New Look

Remodel for Shower, Bathtub, or Kitchen Backsplash

© 2009 by all rights reserved; content may not be copied, rewritten, or republished without author’s written permission. Author’s Google profile

Tile Tatoos on Ceramic Tiles

Tile tattoos are a brilliant response to the expensive job of re-tiling your shower, bathtub enclosure, or kitchen backsplash. There are times during a plumbing repair where replacement matching tile aren’t available. That’s where tile tattoos come in!

The one thing that stays constant in this home improvement/remodeling industry is innovation. Hipper, better, easier, shinier; it’s the thing that makes money for architects, interior designers, and building contractors.

Whoever it was that quipped that there’s nothing new under the sun obviously never spent a minute shopping at Lowe’s or Home Depot. What’s new just now? Why, tile tattoos. When your tile surfaces start to look a bit dated, try using tile tattoos to give them a flashy custom look

A Brilliant Marketing Promotion

Tile tattoos are a brilliant idea. The name itself is bound to generate sales simply because of the term “tattoo”.

Tats, once shunned in social circles (excluding drunk sailors on shore leave), have entered the mainstream in the last decade or so. As a matter of fact, a recent Pew Research Center survey reports that 36% of individuals aged 18 to 25, and an eye-opening 40% of individuals aged 26 to 40, have been inked at least once.

No wonder that the makers and distributors have elected to dub their product what they did. And they’re a quick DIY job that exhibits a major design change.

So, what exactly is a Tile Tattoo?

It’s really just a graphic sticker, designed to be applied in either non or high-humidity rooms in the home, to decorate or simply re-color ceramic tiles in your bathroom or kitchen backsplash. Obviously, they’re not exactly prime candidates for floors finished with ceramic tile.

They can be purchased in both solid colors (say, to make an alternate white/black pattern), or a theme or design pattern that accentuates the existing tiles. For instance, if, after a plumbing repair job, an exact match can’t be found, simply buy some as similar as possible.

They are available in either single squares or sheets. Sheets are the most common; markets the brand Lot 26 Studio ADD-HERES Geo Tiles Wall Stickers, 11.25 x 22.5-Inches

Are Tile Tatoos Difficult to Install?

Absolutely not! Follow these steps:

  1. Clean all the ceramic tile surfaces completely. TSP works well; wear gloves.

  2. Determine your design and install the tats.

  3. If your remodeling design involves complete color changes, take time to align the corners precisely.

  4. If you’re making patterns, you might strike a chalk line across the tiles instead of measuring from your grout lines. They're rarely perfectly even and a crooked pattern will show up where a solid colored wall will not.

Can They be Relocated After Installation?

Absolutely! As long as you’re using high quality tile tattoos, relocating them is not an issue. They’ll stick to your tile statically, just like some car windshield stickers do. Just peel them off, then install them at the new location. Don’t forget to clean the new location.

And in Summary

Applying a few tile tattoos is a quick and simple approach to spiffing up and giving your kitchen backsplash or bathroom walls a quick touch of class without the effort of financing a complete remodel in these hard economic times.

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