Can Lena Dunham Just Go Away?

I saw an interesting article this morning. Lena Dunham was touting her recent weight loss. She attributes her latest eating disorder to Donald Trump being elected president. She puts it this way, “Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food,” she told Stern after he complimented her look. “Everyone’s been asking like, ‘What have you been doing?’ And I’m like, ‘Try soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness and you, too, will lose weight.”

Now, like many Hollywood crybabies, she promised to move to Canada if Trump won. Isn’t it time to put up or shut up? Please, take your carbon credits and just go already. If they’ll take you.

On the Howard Stern show she actually said of Hillary Clinton, “The most qualified candidate we’ve ever had.” If that is not the textbook definition of a mental disorder, I don’t know what is.

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