Lawn care service is a big component in curb appeal, physical exercise, and home maintenance.
Read on for tips for inspecting a lawn mower, as well as servicing it, and choosing the one that suits
your needs.
Do it Yourself or Hire a Landscaping Contractor
With landscaping, mowing, and other duties in the world of yard work, youve basically got two
choices; you can do it yourself or find a local lawn care contractor through word of mouth or through
a service company feedback database service like Angies List.
Lawn care companies tend to be more organized and business-like than they were in the old days,
when folks hired those youngsters in your neighborhood looking to earn some movie matinee and
Coke money.
Be Prepared If You Choose to Do Your Own Landscaping
If you, as a suburban homeowner, decides to take on this job yourself, youve got more landscaping
tools available than you ever did previously. Why?
Because the goal now is squarely on maintaining not only a luscious green lawn in
color, but also with respect to the environment.
Many societies have traditionally considered springtime as an suitable season for celebrating new
beginnings. And thats what makes it an ideal time to jump right into focusing on the exterior
of your home.
Here are some things to make habitual spring habits:
Review and update your homeowners insurance policy to reflect home improvements.
Tune up your lawn mower, Weedeater, edger, and other lawn care tools.
Have a Look at Types of Lawn mowers
Lawn mowers powered by gasoline remain king throughout the landscaping industry. Youll find three styles of
these. First you have mulching mowers, next the side blowers, and finally the cumbersome bagging models.
Mulching mowers are considered to be the greener and environmentally-responsible
type and they make sense whether youre a tree-hugger or not. They chew the grass blades up fine
enough so that they sift down and go return to the soil. Ah-ha! A renewable resource!
The rear-bagging models are awkward but claim to make grass disposal simpler. It's flung
into your mowers mesh bag, which which you then empty into plastic yard bags. They end
up in landfills; not a pretty picture.
Side blowers just spit it out the side. Then the grass is either raked up or relocated using
a leaf blower.
Any non-mulching mower may be easily converted in a flash by just changing out the
blade and blocking up the grass egress port.
Lets Not Forget the Electric Mowers
The electric mower is another option. Youll find two kinds of these, the cordless ones first and
then the corded ones. These both have major downsides. First, pulling an extension cord around the yard
is a hazardous and a hassle-provoking task.
And the cordless variety usually doesnt have the power required to do any significant mowing. These are
best suited to very small, low-maintenance lawns.
The reel lawn mower is also known as a reel mower. Theyre not seen around very often in the US today, although they are in Europe. But with the green movement, theyre making a comeback. I bought one last year, as a matter of fact.
This is the best kind of machine to use cutting Bermuda grass lawns.
Its Time for the Annual Lawn mower Maintenance Routine
The upkeep of your lawn mower is crucial for proper and efficient use. Theres a few things on your
lawn mower maintenance routine checklist:
Perform a comprehensive visual overview. Specifically, youre looking for details such as loose bolts which should be tightened. Look for spots that show bits of rust development. Sand them down to bare metal, then prime and paint them. Also replace or tighten frayed and/or loosened cables .
Sharpen your blade; it makes all the difference. Shops can take care of this for you
at a nominal fee or you can check at Home Depot or Lowes for a handy grinder attachment.
It attaches to your electric drill and grinds your mower blade at the proper angle.
Change your oil. A synthetic oil like Mobil 1 is offers the most bang for the buck.
Change or clean the spark plug.
Replace or clean your air filter. Be aware that his can be a messy undertaking.
Some models recommend washing it out and then soaking it in oil. Refer to your users
How to Shop for a New Lawnmower
If you find out during your maintenance check that your lawn mower is too far gone and has to be
replaced, start looking for sale bargains. Early spring is a good time to shop. But dont buy an off-brand. There are many excellent ones on the market now, and with the
current economic downturn,
there are deals to be made.
Thinks about brands like John Deere, Honda, Snapper, and of course, the classic,
Briggs and Stratton. Here are some things to take into account:
Horsepower. Generally,just like testosterone, more is better.
Butch up, Sally.
Push lawn mower or self-propelled? When theres a lot of stopping and starting and turning involved
on your property, push is better and more affordable.
Electric or motorized?
Price. Look for sales at the big box stores and home improvement
East to find replacement parts. This is a biggie. When it breaks
down on Saturday morning, you can't afford to wait a week for a replacement part to
be delivered.