Your college roommate is coming with her new husband. You cant wait to see her again and hang out. Youve already planned some great activities. The only problem is that your house is looking frumpy.
The only thing you have in the garage is a bunch of old parts and appliances. And, since theres no extra money in the bank to make major purchases or fix-ups, youre going to have to get a little creative.
Give your house or apartment a mini-makeover without breaking the bank. A few small changes can give your whole house a whole new look.
Add a Colorful Splash. Choose one room to focus on, such as the living room, and paint it yourself. If this sounds too daunting for you, paint just one wall. Stray from your comfort zone a little and select a warm and vivid color that adds excitement.
Swap It. Do you have a pal who might be interested in swapping throw pillows, a lamp or two, and some accent rugs? This is a convenient way to try out a fresh décor without making a major commitment.
If you really want to expand your possibilities, why not invite more friends and include a clothes swap?
Slip It. Is your couch looking its age? No need to buy a new couch just yet. Consider a slip cover in a funky color or pattern. If thats not doable, cover the couch with a fuzzy animal print throw.
Redress the Old Dresser. Dont discard that old dresser youve had since you were five. Instead, change it up. Add a little (or a lot) of paint to give it a brand new appearance. Replace the old drawer pulls with new ones or repurpose small green parts washers as unique drawer pulls.
Sew It Yourself. If youre handy with a needle and thread, make your own drapes, bedding, or pillows to add a pulse of color to a tired room. Work in a snazzy print or a warm solid color to add depth to the room.
Shop Second Hand. Estate sales, thrift stores, attic sales, and consignment shops often have hidden treasures that can really add a spark of life to your home. Consider a sturdy piece of furniture or an unusual lighting fixture.
Clear the Clutter. Sometimes, all you really need to do is get rid of old items that youre tired of looking at. If you can clear your kitchen counters, you just might find that your kitchen has a new look to it. Follow it up with new kitchen towels, oven mitts, a tablecloth, and a unique centerpiece and youre ready to entertain.
Clean It Up. Put a little muscle into your daily cleaning regimen and you may find that the whole house sparkles and looks more appealing.
Be sure to place a welcome mat by your front door.
Add fresh flowers and some colorful frames with fun photographs. Make your guests feel at home and theyll see your house as a warm sanctuary.
About the Author:
Michelle is an aspiring writer with a passion for blogging. She enjoys writing about a vast variety of topics and loves that blogging gives her the opportunity to publicly voice her thoughts and share advice with an unlimited audience.