Ergonomic. Its not a word that most of us use on a regular basis, but when it comes to the interior decorating of our homes and offices, ultimately, its something that were all after.
Its basically a word that defines making things in a way that minimizes our physical effort as much as possible, thereby making it as comfortable as possible so that we can get the best use of it.
So, when youre out purchasing furniture, if you want it to be ergonomic, one of the main things to keep in mind is that its pretty close to impossible to shop for these kinds of pieces online.
Thats because ergonomic furniture is not just about aesthetics. You need to be able to physically try the furniture out to make sure that it suits your personal needs.
But, if you are open to doing a few furniture test runs, here are some tips that will help you to get just the right kind of ergonomic furniture; pieces that will feel as good as they look:
Make Sure Furniture Supports Your Body.
When youre buying things to sit on like sofas or chairs, when youre at the furniture store and you see something that you like, make sure to sit on it just like you would at your own house.
Your feet need to be able to touch the floor, your back needs to feel like it has adequate support, and if you are someone who lies on your couch, you need to feel comfortable doing so from head to toe.
If you find yourself doing a lot of wiggling around to try and find the right feel, its probably not the right furniture piece for you. If you find yourself liking a piece of furniture that is more cute than practical, such as a love seat, you might want to buy a couple of ottomans to complement it.
That way, you can elevate your feet for additional support when needed.
Play Around with Some Accessories.
Another thing about ergonomics is that, when it comes to furniture, you need to select pieces that will complement your lifestyle.
Meaning, theres no point in getting a coffee table that is hard to reach for due to its height (its too short and you have to overreach to get a drink or magazine off of it) or a bookshelf for your office that causes you to have to constantly strain yourself in order to get a book or two.
These are the kinds of things that you should take into serious consideration before making a furniture accessory purchase. So, if a cracked glass coffee table catches your eye, ask a customer service associate to bring a chair that you can place in front of it to see if its a good fit.
If you do see a bookshelf that you like, also bring a chair over to it and test reaching for things on the bookshelf while sitting and standing to see if it will prove to be convenient or taxing for you over time.
Make Shopping a Family Affair.
If you live with several other people, because were all different sizes, you might want to bring them alone as well when it comes to pieces that everyone will be using on a regular basis.
A reclining chair should feel good to the person who is 65 pounds or 300 pounds. If you and your spouse are purchasing a bed, both of you should feel like it is going to provide you with the rest and relaxation that youre mutually after.
When youre shopping for ergonomic furniture, it is a bit of a science, but it can definitely prove to be worth the time, effort and energy.
Bottom line, ergonomic furniture is all about buying what will bring about maximum comfort and efficiency today and for years to come.