It does not take a lot of effort to find hundreds of websites dedicated to offering information for those wanting to renovate, remodel, or redecorate a standard single-family home.
However, there are thousands even hundreds of thousands of homeowners in the United States alone who do not own, rent, or live in standard frame built home, so these tips are of little help.
Many people live instead in mobile homes. Decorating a mobile home is easy and affordable, and you can utilize some of the same tips and tricks as a standard single-family dwelling with some imagination and creativity.
What is a Mobile Home?
A mobile home, also called a manufactured home or a trailer (for better or worse, this is the origin of the term trailer trash), is a home that can fairly easily be moved from one place to another. Porches and additions have to be removed prior to the movement, but in some cases these can also be moved.
Mobile homes are very popular choices for those with a smaller budget, but they are also a great choice as starter homes, retirement home or an investment property that generates rental income.
You can easily create a home on a piece of land without spending a small fortune in most cases, and the savings can go a long way toward creating the home of your dreams more affordably.
How is Decorating Different in a Manufactured Home?
The layout of a mobile home makes a big difference in the choices that you have from a design standpoint.
The home is often laid out as one long line of rooms, usually linked by a hallway. They are usually less spacious, although some of the newer models closely resemble traditional homes.
Many of the techniques that are suitable in the average home become tricky in a mobile home, from replacing windows to hanging wall art. Before making major purchases, always speak with a professional experienced in dealing with mobile homes to ensure that your home can accommodate the new items.
After all, no one likes the idea of wasting large sums of money on a furniture or décor item that cannot be used in the home.
So, What are Some of the More Effective Design Styles?
Many color palettes that deal with contemporary or modern designs work very well in a mobile home, from cool shades of blue and metallic accents to black furniture and modern artwork.
Themes are also a great idea, so that you get the feel of more space in the often-limited mobile home rooms. Just be very careful to avoid those themes that are very loud or busy, since they can quickly overwhelm the room.
You can use a good number of the same painting and décor techniques in a mobile home that you would use in a standard home.
It does take a higher level of concentration for hanging larger items, and you should always be aware of the fact that these walls are not nearly as sturdy as other types of homes.
They may not be as able to deal with excess weight from hanging objects such as large clocks, mirrors, heavy artwork, and so on.